Sunday, June 10, 2012

TSF: Dawn 4 Post E3 2012

This was really hard one to do, as I worked all night on it, got sick, and pushed myself to make my deadline for Monday. This was the most epic podcast that I have ever done, if only because I was working on a E3 podcast with member from, and we were Skype-ing all across the world. This was one show I will never forget, it was fun, the opening was just stuff I grouped together from other E3 shows of the pass with Kevin Butler to lead us. I am happy with how this came out.

Description: Discussion of what came out of E3 2012 with guest host Varnis, Hunter, Colin and Chloe. 5 Hosts, 4 Timezones, 3 Continents, 2 hours of show, on 1 podcast!! Recorded on Jun. 10 2012

MP3 Download Link (Right Click, Save As)
Dawn 4 Post E3 2012

My Twitter (DollowR)!/DollowR
Astharis Twitter!/Astharis
Colin Twitter!/unartifex
Varnis Twitter!/Varnis290
Hunterslasher13 Twitter!/hunterslasher13

Remix By GeneticBiofox
Remix Song: MGS Enclosure
Link to Main Site:

1 comment:

  1. You knpw Dollow you truly are a good editor. I liked what you did here. Also seems how we felt about E3 2012 especially about Microsoft's conference
