Tuesday, December 31, 2024

December Endings

       Before the end of the year, I am going to write up some of the things for December that I have been feeling for the whole month now, and just leave there. I will not be able to get all of it, because some of it will make it into other posts that I want to do. I need to write more and more often, but if I am not feeling, I will not do it, but since I did two posts this month that is progress, I would say for a moment and that is enough for now.
        The end of December has been kind of a struggle, I finally deleted my Twitter, I decided to delete after not being able to ignore its management, or the general people on it, and as the year dragged on I kind of talked less and less, and mostly used for following artists I liked. I started my Twitter in 2011, and it is really hard to delete something after managing it for 10 plus years, I had always said to myself that I would just just leave it there as an archive to myself and to others, who I loved on the platform, but I just didn't want to be there anymore, plus I did not want to give myself the temptation to go back. If Twitter was ever to get better, a lot of things would need to happen, that I do not think will happen, and if they do happen by some miracle, I will come back with a new account. Having to cut all my direct ties to some people was very hard, I will never get those back, because getting them in the first place was a time and place. It is awful.

        My cat Cassandra, lately has also been really hard to deal with, she has not been using her litter box and now poops on the floor of the bathroom where her box is, she clearly still uses it to pee but not to poop so I do not know why she refuses to use it, I even put a special box for her with a lower entry way for her and she still does not want to use it for pooping. So I have been putting on gloves, picking up after, and then washing the floor by hand, which is not something you just want to do all the time. I am not even that mad at her, more at a loss of how to figure out what is wrong with her. Cassandra has been my loving cat since 2010, along with her brother Drake, and have been raised inside for life, so they never lived on the streets, unlike my other two cats Alex and Blair who were living on the streets before they came inside for life. All of them do love me, but Cassandra is special. Since 2020, when she finally got fixed (long story why she wasn't years ago that I will not get into), she started to gain a lot of weight and it got me worried about her, but she still acted normally, but would have a hard time clearing her behind a lot, so I would wipe it for her, that is something I do not mind either because I just think of it as just something I need to do for my cat. I am going to try and look for a way to make her go in the boxes by not setting them next to each other, and hope she goes. Hope that works.

    My Christmas I got sick and sadly I could not do anything, I had plans to go to San Diego for Yugioh tournament and wanted to see the city afterwards but that was not to be because I was afraid of getting sick at the event, getting my friends sick, I didn't know if I would get sick but since I was exposed to someone that was, it was better to play it safe. The Sunday before Christmas I was right, and ended up just resting up until Thursday after Christmas. By Friday I was all better so I may have just got a mild case, but it still was annoying. I could go to San Diego by myself but I hate traveling alone and it would be pointless to wander the city with no one around. Maybe another day.

    Lastly, I spent a lot of time this year playing mostly online games, so last week I decided to return to single player story games, mostly because I wanted to maintain my PlayStation Stars level 4 status. So I threw myself at The Walking Dead Telltale games with Season 2, didn't replay season 1 because I didn't have season 1 on my PS5 and started Life is Strange Season 2, did not replay season 1 because time was short to get the trophies needed, kind of funny that decided to play two games where I was playing the second seasons of two different games. I had already played season 1 and 2 of The Walking Dead before, playing season 2 again was simple because I had it on hand. It was fun to go back to it after all these years, I want to go through the rest of the series, since I did not want to play another one, after feeling season 2 ended well enough and how bad the Batman game made by TellTale was, not to mention both games was pretty poorly optimized when they first released. 

        Life is Strange Season 2, was the second major game I started for the PS Stars (PlayStation Stars) needed trophies, and that game might be affecting me more now than if I played it day one. The game starts in 2016, and like the first game sets up the normal life of the main character, before the paranormal events happen that sets the story off, sending the main character and his brother on a journey filled with hardship. While I think the game so far is well written, it is hard to not twitch at the not so subtle jabs at the racism, violent police shooting, homeless struggles, and family estrangements that fill the first two episodes of the season. I finished the first two chapters of the season, stopped because I met the needed 48 uncommon trophies I needed for PS Stars, and the fact the game was getting to me with some of the issues it was trying to show, a lot of it not help by the current political situation of U.S. right now, will pick up again later when I am feeling up for it. 
        I also started new Sakura Wars PlayStation 4 game that SEGA made a few years back and while I have not spent a lot of time in the game, the hour or so I have played it, had not failed to put a smile on my face. It really feels like it was anime ripped out from the 90s made today, a lot the characters fit those classic archetypes, where you can tell they are based one stereotype of story, and their personality kind of runs around that, weather it be the classic proper lady or strong girl with no fear and so on. Again have not played a lot of it, so I have not got to the gameplay combat part, but to honest, if the whole was the way it was where you run around talking, learning about new characters and listening to their struggles, I would be okay with that, but then it is a fantasy world so it safe. 

        I think I will leave things there, next I hope to post some of my card collection for display here and finally take a sunset walk to take pictures of those twilight  skies I am fond of.

Dollow Rlance 

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