Tuesday, December 31, 2024
December Endings
Monday, December 2, 2024
Hell Let Loose
Another post that was written and almost never made it to released. I do that with this blog, where I write a lot and never post it for others to read, but I made a promise to myself to post more here, because I know no one will read it.
Today I am going to talk about a game that I have been playing for almost two years now called "Hell Let Loose" on my PS5. It is a World War II FPS multiplayer World War II game, its squad base so there are classes that have different roles to do and can be done, a lot building weather it be a spawn point for your team or bunkers to defend a point, you can even play in a tank that requires three people to operate it. I started it because I had rewatched Saving Private Ryan, my favorite movie, and wanted a game set at that time, but I did NOT want to play Call of Duty, and my friend talked about it all the time so I gave it a try. Months and months later it was a great time, guess because it was new and I had something consistent to play, met some people in the game that were cool and some that were not, but overall I do love it, but it could be frustrating at times. Playing Officer (Sometimes called Squad Lead) is a fun time but I am not always in the mood to play it, and lot of other players play it and they are not as good, weather it be because they do not know how to build a spawn point (an outpost or garrison), or they do but other team mates do help by playing Support and dropping a box.
The game is hard to learn and takes many hours to master, and lately I found myself sometimes having to "fix" a game by building garrisons, but it also means I have to leave what I am doing like playing Anti-Tank or Engineer (my favorite role) and if I don't stay playing Officer, building garrisons, because the Commander cannot be the only one do it, nor should they be, because they are only one player on the board, it is a team effort, but I find myself drained because you do it enough you get not only bored but mad because no one will do it, and some times, lower level player expect the high level players to play such roles. I used to play Commander a lot, I found it fun to play because it can feel good to command an army, to lead it to victory, to think of the game like an RTS game, it is a good time when things are good but everyone expects the Commander to do everything, build every garrison and maybe even a have foresight, on how to win but sometimes it is not possible, which leads to my main point.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Some times things are just not what you want
Well that is it. Some days you wonder, if the world you are living in is worth it, because it always wants to be as awful as it can be. This is not about giving up but about trying to find hope where if things are going to get better, it will not be within your lifetime, you are just the stepping stone to the next phase.
This last year, Twitter just reached the point, where I can no longer pretend that I can be there. In the last year I mostly used it for following artist but now I cannot feel comfortable doing that while being on the platform. I locked it down, made it so that anyone who follows me can see it, but no one else, a bit like an archive. I have always had an issue mass deleting something, that has been around for so long, but even now I think I should delete it.
I once was trying to bring my blog back, but when I did that the first time, after I made that post back in 2023, I did not continue it because I feel my heart was not in it and frankly what would I talk about? I am not so vain, to think that my ideas, are so important, that I need to write them out. But then I did that for years on Twitter just in a shorter form. So bring my blog back again, for real this time, will be something I will follow up on. I know that do not need to post, all the time, like I did on Twitter but every so often in a longer form and with more detailed thoughts.
As of right now, I guess I would talk more about my readings about the Korean War, which I have spent almost a whole year doing, mostly video panels, some papers and the novel "The Frozen Hours" by Jeff Shaara based on the events of the Battle of Chosin Reservoir, learning about Gen. O.P. Smith, and just what the Marines went through. It's a great drama to read.
As of now that is all I have to say and will finish with this. Try to be nice and find hope but know that it is okay to feel sad and if you love someone, tell them that you are in love with them.
Dollow Rlance.